About Us

Premier Pharmacy Benefit Consulting Solutions
About us

We help employers and plan sponsors bring their pharmacy vision to life

At EmpowerRx, our mission is to bring fair, just, and evidenced based pharmacy care to everyone. As a practicing pharmacist, the founder realized that many patients are at the whims of PBM formulary leading to delay in essential care. The misaligned incentives in the industry has led to poorer outcomes, higher prices, and unsustainable pharmacy spend. We can do much better and that is the motto at EmpowerRx; Care. Better.
Employers dissatisfied with PBM transparency.
Employers won't renew PBM contracts anymore.
Employers can't reduce formulary waste.
Company overview

We offer independent pharmacy benefits consulting.

At EmpowerRx, we offer pharmacy benefits design and management strategies to self funded employers. Using partnerships with transparent PBMs, we help plan sponsors gain effective cost control over their pharmacy spend. In addition, we understand that no two plan sponsors are alike and thus provide formulary flexibility to improve access to care for much needed medications.